Capoeira-Education School
Together, we’re going to build a life-changing experience for children in Brazil! Help support the Capoeira-Education School program where youngsters will be able to develop all the potential they have within!
You are also a part of it!
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Capoeira-Education School
Hello! I am the IBCE! Actually, WE are the IBCE, the Brazilian Institute of Capoeira Education, located at a slum called Babylon in RJ.
I say “we” because you are a part of this dream too!
Our mission is to make a contribution to the lives of at-risk youth in our community.
We work directly with incarcerated youth, the homeless, people in psychiatric hospitals, children with disabilities, and children from lower economic status, including the youth in favelas or slums in downtown Rio de Janeiro.
We provide food to the hungry, clothes to those in need, and affection to those who are lonely and in need of love.
And now it’s time for the next step, which is to implement a program of capoeira-education in our own community, through which our youth will have access to capoeira as a tool for human development, acquiring essential life-skills, such as reading and digital literacy.
It’s capoeira as a doorway to a much bigger world!
Let’s make this dream come true together! Be a part of this IBCE project, make your contribution now and share this link with your network!
What is the purpose of this crowdfunding campaign?
The goal of the campaign is to raise funds to implement a year-long Capoeira-Education Program for 16 teenagers from the lower socio-economic tier.
How will the program be introduced to the participants and their families?Candidates – both boys and girls – along with their families, will attend an information session to learn about the program logistics and expectations, including the required commitments, the length of the program and the support that they will receive.
What will be expected from the teenagers?
Attendance at all classes and training sessions will be required, so that participants will be able to improve their skills and accelerate their learning process.
Who will the teachers be?
All capoeira-educators are experts in different domains and extra teachers might be called for specific classes, such as language or computing skills.
How long will it take?
The training program will last one year, during 2023. After the year-long program is completed, the participants will be supported to launch their own capoeira social programs, serving young children in different slums and schools.
What skills will they develop?
In addition to the physical, social, cultural and musical skills directly related to capoeira, the curriculum will incorporate math, physics, communication, geography, English-language, computing and social-media skills.
What is the Capoeira-Education School?
The Mission of the Capoeira-Education School is to aid children and teenagers from lower socio-economic status to develop their full potential by allowing access to physical, social, cultural and musical experiences in a rich, safe environment.
Where is it located?
The school/program is located In Morro da Babilônia, a favela (slum) which is deeply affected by the Brazilian social discrepancies, and is located next to the rich neighborhood of Copacabana.
What will my donation support?
Your donation will help to fund the delivery of the Capoeira Education School program, which will support the learning and growth of children and teenagers. This grassroots-program utilizes the art-form of capoeira as a tool for social-justice and human development. It is low-cost, highly effective and easily replicable.
What projects do you already do?
Mestre Omri Ferradura, director of the IBCE, has been a capoeira-educator for most of his life and in 2017 he decided it was time to open an NGO to organize all the projects! So, for over 5 years, the IBCE (Brazilian Institute of Capoeira Education) has been promoting inclusion and human development through capoeira in different settings: in prisons for incarcerated youth, in slums, with children with disabilities, with the homeless, LGBT+ and also with psychiatric patients in hospitals.
How will I be able to track the progress of the project? You will get access to the results from day one, as the teenagers will be the protagonists of the program, developing reports, filming their own progress and sharing it in our website, social media and newsletter.
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Olá! Eu sou o IBCE! Na verdade, nós somos o IBCE, o Instituto Brasileiro de Capoeira-Educação, localizado no morro da Babilônia, no RJ
Eu digo “nós” porque você também faz parte desse sonho!
Nossa missão é fazer a diferença na vida de jovens que vivem em situação de risco social
Trabalhamos com adolescentes encarcerados, com a população em situação de rua, com pessoas com problemas psiquiátricos e também com crianças com deficiências ou
de baixa renda nas escolas, nas favelas, e nas ocupações populares da cidade do RJ
Servimos comida para quem tem fome, roupa para quem tem frio e afeto para quem se sente sozinho e invisibilizado!
Mas agora está na hora de dar um novo passo, que é montar um programa de capoeira-educação dentro da nossa sede, na qual os jovens aprenderão a capoeira como instrumento de desenvolvimento humano, tendo acesso a outros conhecimentos essenciais para a vida, como leitura e inclusão digital!
É a capoeira como porta de entrada para um mundo muito maior.
No fim desse processo, esses jovens se tornarão multiplicadores e iniciarão novos projetos! Mas para isso, precisamos da sua ajuda! Clique no link abaixo e faça a sua doação! Contribua agora e compartilhe esse vídeo com sua rede!
T-shirt do IBCE $ 50.00
Have the T-shirt with the IBCE logo sent to your house!
>>> Donate now
One-by-one online session with Mestre Ferradura $100.00
Private talk to discuss your difficulties in capoeira and how we can overcome it together
>>> Donate now
Train in Rio for two weeks $150.00
Take part in all our classes for 2 weeks, both for adults and children!
>>> Donate now
Stay in Rio $300.00
Stay with us in for a week in Rio, not having to pay rent elsewhere, with all trainings included!
>>> Donate now
Workshop at your event $1000.00
Have Mestre Ferradura teaching at your event. You will just pay the ticket!
>>> Donate now
Donor wall
1 de fevereiro de 2025
Daniel Baskind
6 de janeiro de 2025
Renzo Cavalieri
20 de dezembro de 2024
Capoeira Canavial Fort Collins
18 de dezembro de 2024
Marcel Liechti
4 de novembro de 2024
Thank you for the experience on Saturday!
Jordan Kaplowitz
26 de outubro de 2024
Renzo Cavalieri
20 de outubro de 2024
Donation from Mestre Lucas Corvo
Juno Reis
10 de setembro de 2024
Parabéns por seus projetos!
Mauricio Jauregui Lauffer
7 de setembro de 2024
Jesus abençoe esse projeto!
26 de agosto de 2024
Alicia Carroll
22 de agosto de 2024
Dont stop.
David Pratt
3 de agosto de 2024
I have been apart of this group for awhile. I fell on some hard time with my finance. But now I can donate money to the group. And I would like to also help with people English. My … Ler mais
I have been apart of this group for awhile. I fell on some hard time with my finance. But now I can donate money to the group. And I would like to also help with people English. My Portuguese not the best but my teachers and friends said it's good.