Brazilian Institute of Capoeira-Education



Promoting Capoeira-Education as an innovative and pedagogically based social technology aimed at sustainable social transformation.


To become, by 2028, a landmark for the promotion of citizenship and a world reference for the dissemination of Capoeira-Education.


Technical excellence;
Social responsibility;
Democratization of knowledge;
Culture of Peace;
Transparent governance.

No Poverty

Both material poverty and cultural poverty are combated in our training program, be it in preparation for the labor market, be it in spreading our cultural wealth.

Zero Hunger

A central part of IBCE's social responsibility program is the distribution of food to the hungry, and another is the implementation and management of organic gardens in slums and communities.

Good Health and Wellbeing

Promoting physical well-being through movement is the foundation of our body work, fostering healthy habits.

Quality Education

The IBCE curriculum connects the richness of the capoeira culture with scientific knowledge, promoting a transformative and meaningful synthesis.

Gender Equality

The educational programs are designed to promote equal opportunities between genders, in order to contribute to a healthier society.

Adequacy to Brazil Curricular Base

Scientific, Critical and Creative Thinking:

our students are active players in their learning, completely focused on promoting autonomy.

Responsibility and Citizenship:

Social responsibility is a fundamental part of the IBCE's programs, aiming to promote participative citizenship, whether by planting community gardens, distributing food, or giving classes to those who can't pay.

Work and Life Project:

In our the training programs, young people will be able to work with Capoeira-Education or use the diverse knowledge acquired in our classes to take on roles that require creativity and adaptation of diverse skills.

Capoeira de Rua

Capoeira de Rua

Thousands of people live in the streets of Rio, without shelter, food and access to culture. By teaching capoeira for the homeless we create a welcoming and caring environment through cultural activities carried out in groups, aiming to promote the feeling of social belonging. The project contributes to the life reconstruction of around 15 people per week.

Favela da Maré

Favela da Maré Slum

Projeto Capoeira na Maré

Maré is a complex of favelas (slums) and neighborhoods with more than 100,000 inhabitants in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The "Capoeira na Maré" project aims at promoting inclusion in an environment of healthy habits and building an active community for the youth.

Psychiatric Hospital

Psychiatric Hospital Pinel

People with psychiatric issues are often forgotten by society and rarely have access to culture. The project is run inside the biggest mental institution in Rio de Janeiro and helps to give patients a routine of self-care through movement.

Training in Capoeira-Education

Training in Capoeira-Education

The Capoeira-Education School implements a training program in Capoeira-Education for youngsters who live in the Chapéu-Mangueira and Babilônia slums, aiming to contribute to social transformation and the generation of employment and income for the adolescents who finish the program.

Children From Slums

Children From Slums

The Santa Clara Nursery serves hundreds of children from economically disadvantaged communities in Rio de Janeiro. The project aims to develop the children's corporal, musical, social and cultural potentials, contributing to the upbringing of autonomous, creative and critical-reflective individuals.

Incarcerated Youth Capoeira

Incarcerated Youth Capoeira

The "Capoeira for Juveniles" project aims to offer an opportunity of culture, art and leisure and contribute to the reintegration of young people. It expands the cultural horizon of the students, through playful games, musical activities and talks, seeking to encourage critical reflection on the possibilities of building a better life after institutionalization.

Capoeira in Squats

Capoeira in Squats

The project seeks to contribute to the expansion of the cultural horizon of children in social vulnerability in downtown Rio de Janeiro, through recreational activities and trips to other regions, thus promoting and strengthening self-esteem, critical reflection and access to culture, art and leisure.

Capoeira and Food

Capoeira and Food

"Roda Com Rango" (capoeira with food) promotes a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive socio-cultural environment for homeless people, providing food, clothing, and hygiene kits, as well as the experience of participating in collective artistic work.

Capoeira for Blind Children

Capoeira With Blind Children

The project contributes to the development of autonomy of children with visual impairments, through motor and musical games, strengthening their self-esteem and the increase of their gestural, musical, social and cultural repertoire.

LGBTQ+ Capoeira

Projeto Capoeira Nem

The "Capoeira Nem Project'' aims to share Afro-Brazilian cultural manifestations for LGBTIA+ people in vulnerable situations, through musical and playful games, helping to facilitate access to cultural activities often denied to this population. It's a partnership with Casa Nem, an NGO that welcomes the LGBTIA+ population.

Capoeira in the Public School

Capoeira in the Public School

The classes at the Campos Salles Municipal School allow the democratization of the knowledge of Capoeira-Education for economically disadvantaged children in the downtown region of Rio.

Scholarships for Capoeira in the Square

Scholarships for Capoeira in the Square

The Capoeira in the Square classes aim to create a welcoming, inclusive, empowering, and democratic environment, offering partial or full scholarships to homeless or economically vulnerable people.

Escola de Capoeira-Educação do IBCE

Projeto social, sediado no Morro da Babilônia – RJ, com o objetivo de desenvolver o potencial social, cultural, físico e musical de crianças e jovens!

CHAVE PIX CNPJ:38.353.326/0001-75


Our Impact 2022

adults care
+ 1
child care
+ 1
distributed meals
+ 1
current projects


  • gastromotiva.org

Online Training

Certificação Online em Capoeira-Educação - FREE

Since 2017 over 6500 capoeira-educators benefited from this online course (Portuguese only).

Sign up for free

Especialização em Musicapoeira PT - FREE

1000 places were offered and fully booked at this online music training sponsored by the government of Rio de Janeiro and now available to all. (Portuguese only)

Sign up for free

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Copacabana - cep 22030-010

Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil